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In 2014, I made a presentation at 流媒体 West covering all the various ways an "Audio Mixing Ninja" gets the best audio possible. 当涉及到流媒体的实时音频时, there are a few additional wrinkles to consider that don't come into play with audio recording when you aren't streaming live.

call - in和Mix Minus

Then I have times when I need to have someone call-in, or Skype into, a program I am producing. This seems simple enough: I wire their feed from the laptop (or whatever they’re using) into the audio mixer. 但实际上要复杂得多, 因为打电话的人也需要听到台上的人的声音, 主程序, come back to them—but without the caller’s own voice in the mix.

这被称为“混合-减”.“这是主要的混合,减去那个来电者. 如果有不止一个来电者, 那么我需要有多个, 独特的, 混合-减去音频流返回到每个设备. 听起来很复杂. And trying to figure out the wiring and audio routing on my own, 用一个普通的音频混频器和一些辅助总线, 会很棘手.

但这其实很常见, 而且已经存在很久了, not only are there hundreds of online tutorials to get us there, there are also dedicated products made specifically to handle integration with phones or Skype. Whether it be a JK Audio landline or cellular interface, or the new RODEcaster Pro audio mixer (下面的图8) handling two cellphones at the same time as four microphones, 有许多解决电话呼叫的方法.

图8. mix - minus-capable RODEcaster Pro音频混音器

甚至还有视频的解决方案, like NewTek’s Skype TalkShow with professional I/O for the production truck and audio. Keep in mind that I also have to send program video back to someone on Skype so they can see what’s going on. 直播可能会延迟20-30秒, so that doesn’t work when someone in the program asks the remote guest a question. Video adds another layer of complexity to an already complex solution.


我们都知道备份. But how many times does a client ask for one more mic, or tell you there’s an extra panelist? Then something goes amiss, and there’s simply nothing else. Having additional backups, or alternative solutions, can be key to making a show run smoothly.

另外, having the presence of mind to shift gears and use two table mics for a table panel of four, 而不是从四个变成了三个. 还有一个备用麦克风, 测试, and ready to be put into use if (when) something stops working—is not just plan B, 但实际上应该是A计划的一部分.

你的转换器在哪? 我们需要与各种设置进行交互, 和地点, 所以如果酒店的AV给我一个RCA, 1/4", 或XLR用于室内音频, 我必须准备好把它整合到我的系统中. 地环路嗡嗡声? Do I have a humbucker, audio isolator, or ground lift at the ready? What if the 1/4" TRS is dual mono, as opposed to balanced audio? If I plug it into my mixer TRS input, the line sounds dead, but it’s not. XLR M-M和F-F枪管. XLR垫. 分割. XLR到Hi-Z和反向. 一切都颠倒过来. It is all in a big grab bag that comes with me to every gig.


经验带来成功. 这个行业总有新人, but there are a lot of experienced veterans out here as well. There’s no need to try to run the entire show your first time out when you can bring on an experienced hand who not only helps make the show run smoother and easier, but who also can impart a lot of that wisdom and experience to be passed down.

Those with enough experience have already worked through almost every problem there is and either have contingencies they do automatically, or are not rattled by surprises and are able to smoothly shift to plan B, C, D, 等.,以完成工作. 这就像现场戏剧:演出必须继续. The curtain will rise, and it’s up to us to make it sound great.

艾伦 & Heath Marketing Specialist Richard Starr gives viewers a close-up look at 艾伦 & Heath's CQ Series digital audio mixers with their touchscreen and physical controls, 自动混音器, 会议预设, 车库乐队, 和更多的, and remote operation capabilities in this interview with 流媒体's Shawn Lam from the 艾伦 & 2024年NAB的Heath booth.
艾伦的介绍 & 希斯CQ线彻底改变了我的音频设置, 提供契约, all-in-one solution without compromising essential features.
As mobile devices have become more powerful and deliver higher-quality stills and video, it was inevitable that companies would emerge that leveraged these new technologies to produce multicam live-switched media production. So let's establish some ground rules for mobile multicam media production success.
This article is designed to help you avoid some of the many pitfalls that you can fall into when doing audio mixing for live production.
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