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Video: How the Cellular Bonding Live Workflow Works

LiveU's George Klippel describes the cellular bonding workflow for live production from capture to distribution using LiveU's technology in this clip from 流媒体 East 2018.

Learn more about cellular bonding solutions at 流媒体的下一个事件.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

乔治·Klippel: If you don't know what cellular bonding is, 真实的,y简单, 这是一个包, like you see on this gentleman's backpack here, 你把摄像头连接到哪里, SDI或HDMI. What we use is cellular bonding technology plus WiFi or ether网. 我们连接所有调制解调器, 将它们结合在一起, and send the signal over the inter网 to either a physical server or a cloud server, and then send that signal out to your broadcast, 通过SDI连接到您的网页, 抗利尿, H.264, H.265,如果你愿意的话.

We have a nice portfolio of products that include the field units, which are essentially the encoders that take the video and convert it into IP packets. We have decoders for 1080 streaming as well as 4K streaming. 我们为你的手机设计了智能应用程序. Everything that we do is managed in the ecosystem that we call LiveU Central. That gives you total control of all of these field units and what you do and how you use them from anywhere in the world. Sebastian's going to show you that in just a few moments.

然后, the secret sauce for LiveU: You kind of get an understanding of how the quality is, whether it's an entry-level system or a high-end system, is what we call LiveU Reliable Transport (LRT). It does these four things: packet ordering, 前向纠错, 确认并重新发送, 和自适应比特率编码. 这就是我们出名的原因. Instead of reading through all these things here on the next slide, it'll outline it in a graph which is a little bit easier to understand.

The top line is what's called the aggregated available 网work bandwidth. The line right below it is the actual video bitrate. The audio bitrate in a LiveU environment is always in sync and always consistent. The first circle you'll see appear is where you see a 网work fluctuation, it dips down. It's kind of like going from four bars down to two bars in your cellphone, 如果你愿意. The actual bitrate of the video goes down with it.

The next circle, you'll see the video bitrate goes up. That's because the 网work bandwidth went back up. 就像波浪一样, the LRT is able to go up and down just in real-time to accommodate for the 网work bandwidth. When the bandwidth or the 网work drops out again, 我们的视频比特率也随之下降, but we still are able to stream with in sync video and audio. 这就是轻轨的作用.

还有其他的系统, 这让你设置一个一致的比特率, they would stop streaming if the bitrate or the available bandwidth went down. 这就是LiveU背后的秘密, and it's available on all of our products, 不管你实际使用的是哪一种.

The other thing that we're talking about today, 我们要给你们看的是, 我们的产品叫LiveU Solo吗. 这是我们最畅销的产品之一. 它有几种不同的口味, 仅支持hdmi,价格低于1美元,SDI和HDMI大约1500美元. It's one of the biggest-use products that we have out there. It benefits both input and output workflows. You can connect it at HDMI or SDI to any type of camera that you want. 它可以将系统与WiFi连接起来, ether网 or cellular modems and go out to any of these destinations that you see here, 还有RTMP, 同时到达多个目的地.

People from the 网works are using this to online organizations, 礼拜场所, 教育机构, 等. In addition to just going out from a camera, 你也可以从开关馈电中退出, 从TriCaster或黑魔法ATEM中. You can take a switched feed multi-camera input, 如果你愿意, from that unit and do the exact same thing.

Thanks to bonding and some of the other technologies discussed in this guide, 发送故障的日子, buffering video to viewers should be behind us. Read on to learn about the many options available, 在各种各样的价格点, to ensure that streaming professionals can deliver the best video possible.